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Voice Actor Reveal: Joshua Hall!

Very happy to announce that for a third time Mylo Reid will be lending his voice to PSA, this time as the... interesting. Joshua Hall! I've sat on this announcement for a while now just waiting for the right time. It's always an enjoyable experience to work with Mylo, he's so incredibly talented and has been with me since day one. And just for reference that day one was me coming to him out of the blue and asking, "hey would you be interested in voicing a pink and blue Unicorn who is uncomfortably attractive and super conceited?" PSA (in my opinion) is kind of a hard sell, it's just so bizarre. Anytime someone is remotely interested I am always caught off guard, I'm even more caught off guard when someone goes out of their way to talk about it with others, or get others interested. Which Mylo does time and time again. If you you get the chance to work with him it's a blessing, and to have him genuinely interested in this ridiculous project for me is really sort of affirming. I don't have a lot of feedback on my writing from my over decade long "career" the biggest pieces that I got was from my adoptive father saying, "I don't get it, what was the point." And my adoptive mother saying, "it's kind of weird." So, you know any time someone gives it any merit I'm both humbled and confused. My point of saying this is that Mylo is stupid talented, and confident. If something sucks he's not going to put his name on it. So for him to after working together once go out of his way two more times to say, "hey I want to voice x" it's like, "yeah no Sh!@t let's do it." So there was never any question of who was going to play Joshua, since I revealed them, I knew it would be Mylo. And as Mylo does he did incredible he plays them in a way that you hear it and you're like, "yeah that makes sense, that fits." But also is able to add a depth that some of Joshua's more colorful lines and small bits of excitement don't feel out of place, they totally feel natural and like the same character. With a character like Joshua as we see in a lot of say anime, or I suppose other visual novels. These apathetic or tired characters tonally always seem to be one note. Issue in my case is all these characters require some level of range, they don't really sit in this one area. They're- and I hate to pat myself on the back here "deep", Joshua isn't just "sad, mean, boy" other games or projects may be comfortable doing that because of their genre; I'm not, I'm a novelist first, a dev second. Joshua is based off someone I grew up with, someone I was close with (for my part), so it would be completely unacceptable to put them in this box. Mylo plays Joshua in a way that feels really natural, they don't feel like a character, they don't feel I suppose "stagnant". It's as JonTron once said, "if you do thing, and you do it right, and don't f**k it up, it works- it just works." And that's really the best thing I can say about Mylo's performance. I really can't wait to hear them interacting with Joshua's friends, unfortunately due to Joshua having a shorter route, I'm unable to put together a teaser so you'll just have to take my word for it until the audiobook comes out, or if you'd rather wait the game. I don't really know what else I can say, it would kind of feel like beating a dead horse. Mylo is incredible, and I continue to be so thankful to him for lending me his aid for this project. His insight, his suggestions, he always takes the time to ask me my thoughts of how a character should sound, picks my brain about design elements and backstory pieces. When VAs do these things you really start to create this real connections, that really is like, "oh I really want to work with them again." And then you're just talking to them about things completely unrelated to work. And it's a nice thing to have especially when you're say a solo dev and you have 0 team it can feel isolating because it's just you in your head. I would be lying if I said PSA hasn't opened old wounds, or made me really self reflect, mentally exhaust me. So having Mylo like I said before sort of be in my corner, and just from time to time be like, "you got this." Or take that genuine interest it helps, I'd be lying if I said it didn't. I tend to develop a connection with the people I work with sue me. So like I said I am so happy to welcome Mylo Reid back once again to Pleasant Sparkle Academy.

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