Wow! It's been over two months since our last one of these! In some regards progress has been very slow since then, and in others very smooth and quick. Either way we do have a lot of catching up to do.
Starting with the next wave of casting, or the next "casting call" if you prefer. I announced on Twitter the other day the next round of auditions will open up 04/02/2022! I've been updating the page and streamlining the process to make it as painless as possible for everyone. Each role with have a picture of the character, a blurb about them, their ethnicity, their total words and lines, as well as the pay for the role and their audition lines. The page also gives the guidelines [i.e. where to send the auditions, formatting, ect.] I plan to also setup an FAQ. But I did in this post want to talk about the "deadline" as that's a normal thing to come up. There is no real deadline for auditions, how it'll work is there'll be a 30 day sort of grace period where I won't do any casting for any character regardless of whether or not I've already found the perfect actor. This will allow as many people as possible to audition without also forcing me to just pick someone because an arbitrary amount of time has passed. PSA is a ways out from being completed so I'm not in a rush to fill roles, I want to find the right actor not a actor. After that 30 day window though it's sort of fair game, after that point if I think I've found the right person for the job I'll reach out offer them the role if they accept I'll remove the listing for the role. Pretty simple, this also allows me more time to find actors for roles that don't really get any traction. Anyways, just wanted to state that from the jump before we get into the update proper.
Thank you so much for all your guys' enthusiasm and support for the project so far! Now for the updates.
Chimp DeLuna Binks' VA revealed, yay Jett!
Christian Loveland's VA revealed, woo! Eli!
Taurus Bull revealed.
Added new items to the shop. 26 planned.
Danny-Boy's VA booked.
Haruki's VA revealed, bossa nova Ray!
Elandorr's VA booked.
Eldrin's VA booked.
Elrohir's VA revealed, awesome job Corey!
Kagura Cadaverous' route completed, "hold on tight Spider Monkey."
Melody's route completed.
Elandorr's route completed.
Elandorr's bio written.
Elandorr's ending written.
Eldrin's bio written.
Eldrin's ending written.
Eldrin's route completed.
Haruki's ending written.
Daniel Wood's bio written.
Akane Minamoto revealed.
Hamato brothers poly ending written.
Lee's route completed.
Lee's VA revealed, great job Jhovany!
Johnny McCree's VA revealed, welcome back Adam!
Joshua's VA revealed, pleasure as always Milo!
Started work on Fenrir's route.
Started work on Taurus' route.
Started work on Rikki's route.
Continued work on Scott's route.
Alberich Alfrikr Jr. Revealed.
Alberich's route completed.
Alberich's bio written.
Alberich's ending written.
Eldrin revealed.
Idril Elbella's route completed.
Slag's route started.
Sirens' routes started.
Althea Karas' route completed.
Taurus' bio written.
Taurus' ending written.
Rory's artwork has been started.
Four more backgrounds have been completed!
Needs to Be Completed:
"The Trio" route needs to be completed.
Emelia Watson's ending needs to be written.
Robert's ending needs to be written.
Daniel's ending needs to be written.
Elandorr's VA needs to be revealed.
Eldrin's VA needs to be revealed.
Dimitar's route needs to be completed.
Thetis' route needs to be completed.
"Gym Rat Event" needs to be completed.
Slag's route needs to be completed.
Danny-Boy's VA needs to be revealed.
Rory's route.
More background art.
Current Tasks:
Fenrir's route.
Taurus' route.
Dimitar's route.
Slag's events/route
Robert's additional event.
Wepawet's route.
And I think that's going to do it for now folks! Busy, busy. I've said this before, but the recent slow down was due to the fact that the bulk of my work on this project gets done during my 9-5 during my downtime which used to be very considerable. Recently it became a lot less, now it's slowly going back to normal so I've been able to get more work back in. So should be steaming ahead now. Anyways I guess I better get back to it, talk again soon!