The hauntingly beautiful and equally deadly Kagura Cadaverous is a bit older in appearance than a typical P.S.A. student appearing to be in her early to mid twenties. This creates an air of maturity to her. She knows who she is and makes no apologies for it, vocal about her devouring of countless Humans through the ages. While she is an open book, it’s not a book that has been read by many, so she still remains an enigma to all at P.S.A.
Whether or not her affection is merely a ploy to devour you could be considered nebulous. But then again she doesn’t appear the type to lie about her intentions. And she doesn’t seem to be one to act impulsively or struggle with some sort of bloodlust.
That being said her flippant regard for Human life let alone mortal life could mean her feelings on the matter of eating you be just unsteady. If she were to grow bored of you, would you then become her next meal?
To pursue Miss Cadaverous is to choose to ignore your own self-preservation in search of discovery. Is the possible reward worth the risk? There are certainly safer options. Does she really offer something so valuable that possible death is a fair gamble? If so, then perhaps you shall take a trip under the waterfall and see for yourself.