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Character Reveal: Dimitar Petrova

Soft both physically and vocally, Dimitar Petrova is a genderfluid aspiring Vampire hunter with late-blooming magical potential. Adopted by their grandparents they are the eldest of four, two of which are half-brothers, and one being a full-blooded brother also gifted with magic who turned down the invitation to study at P.S.A. to attend a normal high school with the rest of his friends.

They're good friends with Thetis, having known him since before high school and is relatively good friends with Joshua Hall, though they're kind of mean to them...

They keep to themselves mostly, really only conversing with their friends. That being said they're very polite to anyone who does manage to strike up a conversation with them.

They also fancy themselves a decent writer but have no real aspirations of pursuing it as a career and does it more for themselves than anything else. But they're happy to share what they've written with anyone they know who ask.

Kind-hearted, and reserved with beautiful eyes. Are you going to be the one who helps build this aspiring Vampire hunter's confidence and win their heart in the process?

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